ok so the amp has been burning in for about 4hrs now and I have a moment to listen without the dogs wanting to go outside or my wife wanting something, spinning Mingus Ah Um... I can't get over how dark the background is, no hum at all, this amp is dead quiet, channel balance is very good. I can't get over how great this sounds, treble is excellent, crisp and well defined without being tinny or harsh. Bass, at least what there is to be had on this LP is "correct" sounding, the bass sounds deep and natural, the piano and mids are silky smooth... I'm in love. I was going to play Dark Side of the Moon next but I think I might have to bust out some Gorillaz that a buddy in the UK sent me as a gift for my birthday this year, there is definitely some bass on that one

meanwhile I'm going to continue to put some more hours on this amp.
As someone who has built many different kits, and a few things from scratch, this kit is the Gold Standard man let me tell you... anybody on the fence or unsure if they can assemble one of these, I can't think of a better "first kit" for anybody. The components, the instructions, you simply can't go wrong, take your time, don't rush it, and you will have a seriously fantastic sounding amp, not to mention the satisfaction of having put it together yourself.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2010, 04:16:00 PM by hasafraker »
as long as it sounds good, who cares?
Main system; AT-LP120-USB Turntable w/AT440MLa, Bottlehead Reduction Phono, Decware ZSP1 Preamp, Pass Labs ACA Monoblocks, PSB Alpha B1's, MartinLogan Dynamo 300 sub. Bottlehead Crack w/Speedball, Interconnects and stands all DIY.