First amp build, though I'm not quite fresh to soldering and electronics. I spent a few years in the Army working on Avionics for the UH-60 Blackhawk and CH-47 Chinook. Received my much anticipated package from Bottlehead yesterday 6/6 at around 1:00pm. After working on it from around 4-10pm, I had all of the soldering done on the chassis. I went downstairs and glued the based together and went to bed. When I woke up this morning I ran through all the resistance and voltage checks without issue. I'm really amazed at how easily the whole kit went together.
At about 10:00 I hooked up my new Schiit Bifrost DAC to my PC, hooked up the Bifrost to my baby Crack, and my brand new Beyer DT880/600s to the Crack. Now I know there is supposed to be some burn-in time associated with all the new equipment, but WOWOWOW does it sound amazing already!! I was seriously curious if the overall investment would pay off, and I'm happy to say that it was worth EVERY penny to get setup with some proper hi-fi. I can't thank Bottlehead enough for providing such an awesome amp at this price. Something about assembling your own kit is just SO satisfying as well.
I just can't believe how QUIET the amp is. No static, no hums, buzzing, just crystal clear music. Now I can truly listen to everything that was recorded. I won't rabble on as I'm sure you guys know all of this already, but I wanted to take the time to post that my build came out better than I could have imagined

I have yet to order the speedball kit, but I'm anxious to see what it adds to the equation some time in the future.
From the package to my ears in less than 24 hours!
Thanks Bottlehead!