Bottlehead Kits > Eros Phono

Eros build question


Hello all,

I have been building my recently acquired Eros phono preamp and I have a question about the capacitors on the Power Supply PC board.  I was looking for 2 - 0.1 uf 630v metalized polypropylene capacitors, they are red in the instructions.  I received two Solen 1.00 uf 630v metalized polypropylene capacitors.  Can these be used or did I get the wrong value capacitors. 

Otherwise, the build is going slowly but surely.  The instructions are great and the visuals have really helped, kudos to you Doc for the excellent instructions.   I am hoping to get this done by next week as I am getting excited about hearing this in my system. 

Thanks for any help that might be provided and thanks to Eileen for getting out a couple of missing parts as fast as she did. 



Paul Joppa:
The 1.0uF are output caps.


So what I need is a couple of 0.1 if 630v metalized polypropylene capacitors,  they are marked as F104K or 0.1 uFJ on the parts list. They are shown as being red in the Eros instructions.

Thanks for the timely response.


The red caps are probably clarity caps,and believe me the solen are the better.bottlehead used clarity for a while.

Paul Joppa:
Sorry, I didn't read carefully enough -on the PSU board you said. That's the RC snubber for stability; it's not super-critical but should be within 30% of the design value 0.1uF. There's no signal current in it, so it doesn't need to be particularly linear but should have decent HF performance. A little ESR at high frequencies is also OK - so mylar or polypropylene or even the better ceramics are acceptable.


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