Bottlehead Kits > Seduction

Older messages



I haven't posted here in about a year, back when I was building my Seduction kit. Now, I can't find any of my old posts on the topic. Have older posts been archived or purged?

Thank you,


The old board is still there on Audio Asylum:

Bottlehead AA Archive

All the old posts are there.  The top post announces the migration to the Bottlehead owned site.

What you are missing you can find there.  There is an option in the search to find posts by the name of the poster if that helps.


--- Quote from: Grainger49 on October 26, 2009, 04:38:28 AM ---The old board is still there on Audio Asylum:

And if I knew much about computers I would make the text read differently. 

All the old posts are there.  The top post announces the migration to the Bottlehead owned site.

What you are missing you can find there.  There is an option in the search to find posts by the name of the poster if that helps.

--- End quote ---

Ah, there you go.... thanks!!


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