Bottlehead Kits > Mainline

A6 to OB but C1 to OA


This may be a dumb question, but my uncontrolled desire for symmetry is forcing me to ask....

Is there a reason why we can't wire A1 to OB to match C1 to OA?

Or A6 to OB and match with C6 to OA?

I can see that A6 to OB and C1 to OA is possibly a neater wire run.

Paul Birkeland:
Yes, the wiring is a little neater to do it the way we provide in the instructions.  Pins 1, 3, 6, and 9 are all tied together inside the tube, so there are lots of choices for where that connection can be made.

Thank you very much Paul, that extra info gives me many options. Very helpful.  :)


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