Other Gear > Phono

Stylus cleaner

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--- Quote from: Jay on November 04, 2020, 03:31:08 AM ---I use a small square of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser stuck onto the end of a toothpick.

--- End quote ---
This does clean the stylus well.  However, do not wipe the stylus with it, just gently push the stylus into the pad a couple of times.
This pad is rough enough to ruin the stylus if you wipe or pull across the stylus with it.

I recommend this:


Probably similar to other products like the Onzow.  Any of these firm jelly polymer products will make a huge difference. Just get something that has a reputation for not leaving any of itself on the stylus.  I have read some accounts of debris marring the vinyl, whether true or not I do not know for sure.  I would avoid paste / putty based products but thats me personally & I have no actual evidence to back it up.


I have used some blu-tac on the bottom side of a
LAST stylus cleaner for a couple of years now and it works very well. I simply lightly press straight up onto the stylus and it removes all matter from the stylus without leaving any residue. I occasionally reform the blue tac to "clean" it.
Here are a couple of Pics.

Is that a Soundsmith needle on your Grace F-9?
For stylus cleaning I am mostly dipping in the Magic Eraser but also dry brushing with a Last style brush and once in a while I use the solution from the Disc Doctor which has minimal or no alcohol. I have used the Onzow as well and the Blue Tack. They all work well. I inspect my styli under a special DIY modified microscope which resembles the Shure stylus microscope. When using the magic eraser method and the records are clean that seems to work very well. When records are dirty the Magic Eraser gets to its limits though. Dipping after each side is essential otherwise dirt accumulates and then the dipping does not remove the crud only brushing with solution does. I have not done this inspection with the Blue tack method, should be an interesting comparison.

Yes, it is a Soundsmith ruby cantilever stylus. I had wondered for some time why Peter only made a replacement stylus for the Grace F9 cartridge. He is a master at rebuilding cartridges with a new stylus but only builds a complete stylus for the Grace F9. I had used a number of different moving coil cartridges over the years with a Bent Audio step up transformer.
My curiosity got the best of me and I bought one of Peters stylus for a Grace F9. No extra SUT in the line now and the sound is excellent. I am well satisfied with it.


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