Bottlehead Kits > Mainline


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So I've made my Mainline, the resistance check went perfectly, but when I went to check the voltages and put the positive lead on +275vDC it sparked! A bit scared to try again, any thoughts why this might be?!

Also, is there a chance this may have blown something else in the circuit?

Doc B.:
You shorted two terminals together that were at different potentials. You're going to need to proceed with the voltage checks to determine any answers to your questions. If you don't have a steady hand cover all but the very tip of the red probe with insulated tape.

Usually sparks are caused by shorting two terminals together with the probe itself. In other words, it is not a problem with the build.

Were your voltages correct on the power supply board testing earlier in the manual?

If so, you still need to do your final voltage checks. Proceed with caution, and never take your eyes off what you are doing. If you cannot safely use a probe, you can attach clip lead, power up, take one measurement, power down, wait, then move the lead, power up, measure, power down, and so on.

OK great, thanks for your help, I will carry on with the test. Up until this point all test have been spot on.

Just a thought, could it be that I somehow soldered two points together? I've been very careful not to, and can't see where I have, but may have missed it Just a thought...


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