Bottlehead Kits > Mainline

Little help, please? [resolved]

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With a little help of the people from the service department my first DIY amp is finally running!  I'm still in the process of burning the uint it.  Unfortunately after three days of listenig the amp started making noise in the left channel. It sounds just like described in the manual scratchy, hissy, crackling. I know it's not the  bad tubes as i tried to swap the left with the right one.  No luck. (cold joint somewhere?)  When I got it back from the repair I was told that the tube sockets were super dirty.  I just wanted to ask if any of you guys could help me identify the problem.  Or maybe point me in the right direction.
Thanks. bAd

Doc B.:
Was this a repair we did?

Hi Doc. Yes, I just got the amp back on Friday, but this particular problem occurred just now and when I sent it for repair I didn't mentioned that on the list of issues.  So by any means I'm not trying to blame your crew for it.  I was the one who solder stuff wrong. Lol.  Anyhow how do I go about this problem?

Doc B.:
Try rocking the tubes a bit in the socket while it's running.

Are You sure there is nothing near Your amp supplying noise, some sort of wireless communications device? Wireless speakers, WIFI... I had a media center bugging me, and it wasnt even wireless, still produced RF noise, I guess..

Edit: Oops, just realized You may not have read Doc's latest reply above mine before I add another one. Sorry.


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