Bottlehead Kits > Integration

Amperex JAN7308's Added


Pretty awesome upgrade to stock or even other flavors of 6922's.  Started out by replacing the stock tubes with some EH 6922's, then went to reissue Gold Lion EC88's and recently pulled the trigger on some NOS Amperex JAN7308's.  Each tube set was an upgrade from the previous, but wow, this last set is freakin awesome.

Just thought I'd share.


I really like Sylvania JAN equivalents.  I have been running them in my Foreplay for about 6 years.  More than one pair in that time.

I believe the additional bracing to qualify for JAN status lets the tube do its job better.

Interesting.  Any way you can expand on that?  I'm assuming that bracing in the tube has increased some durability aspect within the tube to increase its' durability for military use?  Dunno.  Honestly I'm no expert on tubes.  Just pick up on what I read about them on the interwebs....


I believe I got that from a long gone Paul Joppa post.  He might chime in. 


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