Bottlehead Kits > Jaeger Speaker

Bi-Wiring The Jagers


Just got my Jagers back from being sprayed and have started the break-in.  So good so far.

I'm using a single-wire set up now: speaker wire from power amp to the Tweeter-In terminals on the crossover.  The Tweeter-In and Woofer-In terminals are bridged together, and the W-out and T-Out are connected up to the drivers via the back of the speaker. 

What does bi-wiring look like?  As I understand it, I'll need to remove the bridge from W-In to T-In, and run a total of four cables from each channel on the amp: two to each W-In and T-In.   

Something like that?  Worth my time to play with?

FWIW I'm running a Kaiju with BeePree2 and an Eros Phono. 

Doc B.:
If you have enough cables give it a shot. I would not think there would be much difference unless you used different types of cable for tweeter and woofers. The main intention of the separate posts for tweeter and woofers is biamping.


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