Bottlehead Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Doc B. on May 10, 2010, 03:31:11 PM

Title: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: Doc B. on May 10, 2010, 03:31:11 PM
Been favoring a very sore knee for the past few weeks. This afternoon I was taking a photo of the new Stereomour, turned to set my glasses down, felt a POP, and apparently finished whatever I started a few weeks ago - tore the everlovin' s**t out of my calf muscle. Gonna be on crutches for at least a week. Nope, not the leg I broke five years ago, the other one. Dumb, dumb, stupid, arrrrggh! Anyway just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be moving a little slower than usual, and definitely not running to catch the phone.

Doc tried to give me Oxy, like when I broke my leg. It's terrible stuff for me and I told him I wouldn't take it. The medical community will not publicly acknowledge my research that two martinis is a much more effective pain killer (although most of my doctor relatives self medicate their old warhorse injuries the same way I do...)

Waiter! Where's that Martini???!!
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: xcortes on May 10, 2010, 03:55:06 PM
I've been in and out a back contracture for a few months. Down here tequilas work great.
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h! (ot)
Post by: Doc B. on May 10, 2010, 04:13:32 PM
I had a bad experience at the bachelor party for my first marriage that has precluded me from enjoying tequila ever since (can you say "blind drunk"?). But I am sure tequila would be an effective pain preventive treatment if used wisely. "Back contracture". Is that like really bad muscle spasms? That is for sure exquisite pain! Hope it is getting better for ya'.
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: Paul Birkeland on May 10, 2010, 04:44:47 PM
I have a spare raised toilet seat with the handles and a spare walker. I'll be sure to bring them by for you.
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: Bodyslam on May 10, 2010, 05:59:44 PM
OK, Doc, I'm going out to the kitchen and make you a Martini right now. Hope it helps.
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: Grainger49 on May 11, 2010, 12:25:43 AM
OK, Doc, I'm going out to the kitchen and make you a Martini right now. Hope it helps.

Bwahahaha!  I hadn't thought of that.  I'll get him a Bourbon.

Doc, aging sucks.  I got one knee fixed 15 years ago, the other one is acting up now.  I can't imagine tearing a calf muscle.

Ride this with Queen for what it is worth!
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: RPMac on May 11, 2010, 03:35:48 AM
xcortes, I love gold tequila...what's your preferred anejo...I mean, medication!!!
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: xcortes on May 11, 2010, 04:48:14 AM
There's nothing like good old Herradura Reposado. There's zillion of boutique tequilas but I stick to Herradura Reposado or Cuervo Tradicional.
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: debk on May 11, 2010, 04:50:21 AM
Hope you feel better

Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: Paully on May 11, 2010, 05:05:04 AM
Churchill said something along the lines of he liked to make his martini by pouring the gin, glance briefly at the bottle of vermouth across the room, then drink.
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: Paul Joppa on May 11, 2010, 10:40:48 AM
Doc only looks at the vermouth bottle through the glass cabinet door - if you open the door, you might get too much vermouth flavor!

If I'm real good he will sometimes spritz my glass with vermouth from a tiny perfume sprayer. I think he then washes his hands before proceeding...

At home, I like about 8:1 with a couple drops of absinthe - but it does depend on the gin being used.  :^)
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: ironbut on May 11, 2010, 03:23:25 PM

What the hecks goin' on!
I hate to sound preachy but if we're going to spend all day long at our desk/workbench/computer, we've gotta have some kind of regular exercise built into our schedules.
At least I do for sure.
After I was laid off from my job in construction (where they paid me to exercise all day), in a few months I started feeling various aches and pains and I had to be more careful with how I exerted myself.
I figured I'd start taking a walk several times a week to see if that helped. Now, I won't say that I feel like superman now but I can abuse my joints and muscles just like I always did without putting myself in the hospital.
I get pretty bored with most kinds of "real" exercise. But, I've gotten to like my walks as kind of a head clearing reality check. Reminds me a little of when I was a kid and walked everywhere.

Pain sucks.
So, take care of yourselves you guys!
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: Doc B. on May 11, 2010, 04:10:53 PM
Actually I've been going to the gym and doing upper body workouts twice a week, and walking three days a week for about three months. As near as I can tell I created this problem on the rowing machine and the elliptical after I was back in decent shape, and starting to jog again.
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: ironbut on May 11, 2010, 04:46:35 PM
Bummer,.. sounds like you're in a lot better shape than I'm in!
So much for my sermon.
Must be the photography?

Get well soon,.. you too Xavier.

Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: xcortes on May 12, 2010, 12:58:19 PM
Get well soon,.. you too Xavier

I won't if I don't quit lifting things. But today I came across a set of Western Electric Woofers, field coil drivers and horns (acoustic lenses actually). For what I paid for this it insane not carrying all quickly and running from there!

BTW Steve: The R10s are here. A quick listen yesterday trough a Sex amp with MQ iron (and other goodies), source was vinyl through a Seduction. Holy S#$t! These are gooooood an coooooomfortable! No need to look for another set of cans ever (well, maybe a second set)! Can't wait to try them with my ATR and TP material.

Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: ironbut on May 12, 2010, 01:14:02 PM
Yeah, the R10's are super comfortable. Easy to drive too.
I listened to the Arnold Overtures with my 6c33 OTL and just totally melted!
Just take good care of them. That 100 year old (whatever the heck) Japanese wood is so thin that you can see light through the cups. And you won't win any beauty contests wearing them. But man,.. talk about a gorgeous sound!
Title: Re: Ahh, Son of a B***h!
Post by: ironbut on May 13, 2010, 07:29:58 AM
A bearded solder slinger and his buddies entered a bar one afternoon and while ordering cocktails, he notices a large jar full of $10 dollar bills. He figures there must be a thousand dollars or so in it.

" What's with the money in the jar?" He asks the bartender.
"Well, you pay $10 and pass three tests, you get all the money in the jar and the keys to my mint Alfa 2600 Spyder."
He man looks at his buddies then back at the bartender and asks, "So, what are the three tests?"
"Ya gotta pay first," says the bartender. "Those are the rules."
The man looks at his buddies and before he can say a thing to them, they ponied up the 10 spot for him.

"Okay, " says the bartender. "Here's what ya need ta do.
First, you have to suck down a quart of tequila in one minute. And you can't make a face while doing it.
Next, behind the bar there's a pit bull chained to the fence. He has a bad tooth. You have to pull that tooth with your bare hands.
And last, upstairs there's a 90 year old woman who's never had sex. You need to go up there and take care of that."

After the explanation of each task, the moans from the group got louder and finally the man says,
"You gotta be ****** kiddin' me! Keep the ****** money!"

But after a few gin martini's and some good natured ribbing by his pals, the man reconsidered.
"Okay, I'm game. Where's that bottle?"

He grabs the tequila with both hands and with tears streaming down his cheeks and veins popping out on his temples, he downs the cheep swill with 2 seconds to spare!
The bartender then points to the door that leads out to the back alleyway.
The man complies and a few moments after the screen door whacks closed, there comes a frightful commotion of growling and screaming.
After ten full minutes of this there's silence.
Just as the man's buddies start to go out to see if their pal's still alive, the man, covered in blood with his clothes ripped to shreds re enters the bar.

"So,.." the man says in a drunken slur.
"Where's that old lady with the bad tooth?"