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General Discussion / Re: Paramour Iron Upgrade Question
« Last post by dfries on January 13, 2025, 04:01:24 PM »
Paul, thank you for the quick and very detailed reply.
General Discussion / Re: Paramour Iron Upgrade Question
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on January 13, 2025, 03:10:47 PM »
Yes, you can put this iron onto a Stereomour.  It's bigger, so it fits sideways in some of the holes that are placeholders for the TFA-2004/204. 

The typical hookup is the blue plate choke wire to pin 2 of the 2A3 socket and the black wire to B+.  The output transformer connections for the primary are 5 and 10 and well enough called out in the manual to get through.  The SEX iron upgrade uses the output transformer as an 8K unit and the Paramour is optimized for 4K.  You'd want to wire for 16 ohm output in the SEX iron upgrade manual for 8 ohm operation in the Paramours.  3.3uF is a good choice for the parallel feed cap. 

These photos are only really helpful in terms of showing how the iron fits into the amps.  You'll need to use tin snips to trim the mounting flange on one end of each output transformer so it doesn't run into the wood.  The amps I put these into got a pretty substantial rebuild and migrated away a bit from the standard layout.
General Discussion / Paramour Iron Upgrade Question
« Last post by dfries on January 13, 2025, 02:45:06 PM »
Hello, I’d like to upgrade the output transformers on my Paramour. I’m hoping someone can tell me if the Iron Upgrade Kit for S.E.X. Kit 2.0 will work or if there are other suggestions.  It seemed like their compatibility might have depended on the power transformer which is a Hammond H300668. Thanks
General Discussion / Re: Hum and tube glowing red on my Foreplay ll
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on January 13, 2025, 02:16:30 PM »
Are terminals 13 and 14 tied together?  Is the earth wire of the power cord connected to the chassis?
General Discussion / Re: Hum and tube glowing red on my Foreplay ll
« Last post by hron61 on January 13, 2025, 12:21:05 PM »
Thanks Paul.
60hz sound is what im hearing.
General Discussion / Re: Decided on a hopeful upgrade.....
« Last post by Cary on January 13, 2025, 07:49:56 AM »
I think you will like the quality of sound the Moreplay produces, I have both Foreplay and Moreplay, with the Moreplay you have more options in tube rolling, in mine I use 7C5 and 6AQ5's with the appropriate adapters. It is a big step forward.
General Discussion / Re: Hum and tube glowing red on my Foreplay ll
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on January 13, 2025, 07:48:49 AM »
I don't have the tones to listen to just yet but I'll keep looking for some, I'm curious to hear them.

Eros Phono / Re: Eros 2 Final Voltage Check Issue
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on January 13, 2025, 04:42:46 AM »

Do you have an idea what would cause the different voltages between the tube A and B (EF86s)?

Solder joints.
Eros Phono / Re: Eros 2 Final Voltage Check Issue
« Last post by mstacker on January 13, 2025, 04:23:19 AM »
Thankyou. I will look into that.
Do you have an idea what would cause the different voltages between the tube A and B (EF86s)?
Are these input voltages that are going to the tube, or output voltages being created by the tube?
General Discussion / Re: Hum and tube glowing red on my Foreplay ll
« Last post by hron61 on January 12, 2025, 11:24:21 PM »
I don't have the tones to listen to just yet but I'll keep looking for some, I'm curious to hear them.
I do have some more pictures and voltages to share. The black strips are pieces of sound dampening.
Can the pictures be resized here before posting them?
I tested all the grounds with my continuity meter and they all beep, I did reflow terminal 14 though which is tied to 13.
I also did the chopstick test on all solder joints the other day while it was playing music and didn't hear any strange noises.
I haven't got around to reflowing all ground connections just yet, only terminal 14 so far.
Also i may add that lately ive noticed the sound has become muffled, like I cant even hear the high hats in the music any longer.

Terminal 2...171vdc, Terminal 7...159vdc