Legacy Kit Products

Child Boards

[-] Eros Tape

[-] Reduction

[-] Crack-a-two-a

[-] MonAmour

[-] The Fix

[-] Quicksand

[-] Submissive

[-] Smash

[-] Quickie

[-] Paramount

[-] Smack

[-] Seduction

[-] Foreplay III

[-] Stereomour

[-] Paramour

[-] Crackheadphone

[-] Tode

[-] Bottlenect RCA Interconnect Kit


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[1] Legacy Repair Gallery/Blog

[2] Parabee and Paraglow service

[3] Soul Sister collectors

[4] The Phantom SR45 Build - Snow Creek Shuttle Episode 1-A Bottlehead Saga

[5] What if a BeePre and a SR45 had a baby?

[6] Foreplay II Volume Full Blast

[7] old original S.E.X. amps from the VALVE days question

[8] How to convert Eros/Smash/Crack to 240 volts?

[9] Afterglow Rebirth - Parts


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