Doc, it's just very frustrating that it did work and then over time started to have problems. The only wear/tear involved, tube life aside, was turning it on and off. And by over time, I have only had this for maybe 6 months. Is it normal to have to reflow solder and check it out with a meter on a regular basis? There are no moving parts - I don't understand why this gear just sitting here on my desk, being used maybe once or twice a month, would have these problems.
Maybe I just have bad luck when it comes to tube gear. Aside from my 1964 Airline 62-9015A, every piece of tube gear I have ever owned has failed. BAT VK-30SE, BAT VK-P5, Aune T1, Fender Bassman 70, Peavey Classic 50/50, Ampeg VL-503, Crate Stealth 50, Sound City 120, etc etc.