Yes, single-ended triode (SET) amps are very low power, and work best with high-efficiency speakers. In near-field listening, like computer speakers, you can get away with less efficiency.
Here's a link to a forum for high-efficiency speakers:'s a fairly well-behaved forum, with only occasional rowdiness ... :^) Just be aware that the community is about equal parts SET users and those who like it REALLY LOUD. But both types are usually glad to help a newbie.
Speakers are usually rated for sensitivity, in dB at 1.0 meter distance with 2.83 volts input (that's 1 watt if the speaker is 8 ohms, 2 watts if it's 4 ohms). My rule of thumb is that a 4-watt amp like Stereomour will be loud enough for most audiophiles, most of the time, if the speaker sensitivity is 96dB. This will be significantly affected by your room size, taste in music, etc., so don't obsess over it too much!