shipping status updated

Doc B. · 661

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Offline Doc B.

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on: August 24, 2020, 12:24:58 PM
The status page has been updated this afternoon.

We took some time off last week, our first since January (whew!). Thus the longer than usual time since the status has been updated. We are still running about two weeks from order to ship, with the oldest kit on the status page being an Eros ordered on 8/9 and shipping as soon as some tubes arrive. Today a couple of S.E.X. kits are shipping along with an Otari tape path upgrade and some parts orders. Some Cracks and Reductions are next in the shipping queue and once those are packed we hope to begin packing and shipping the first of the new Moreplay preamp kits.

In case anyone is wondering, yes, we are taking orders for the made to order Stat electrostatic headphone energizer. I'm working on a new web page for it this week. I believe PB has only one in the build queue at the moment, so it might be a good time to get your order in before the new page hits. Seems to be some buzz out there and he may get busy when it does.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.