12DT8 is also a nice 12AT7 replacement, with the limitation that the 12AT7 filament power is 12.6V AC (or DC) . I recently built a small 12B4A SET, which originally had a 12AT7 for the VA tube, and seeing that the 12DT8 has the same operating characteristics, I decided to give it a try, and was not disappointed!
In my small amp, the B+ voltages are significantly lower, about 250VDC for the 12B4As, and 220VDC for the 12AT7 / 12DT8, so this tube may or not be equally applicable to the Stereomour, with its higher plate supply voltage and current.
FWIW, the RCA 12DT8 which I used has "ribbed plates" similar to some of teh 12AX7s, but smaller dimensions.
6679 is also another "industrial numbered" 12AT7 equivalent. This series continues with 6680 (12AU7A) and 6681 (12AX7A)
/ed B in NC