Everything been sounding great for the last 4 Months while I built the Eros2 for my LPs and that sounds great now, with a couple hiccups, Thanks for the forum for all the help. This weekend I add the C4S upgrade to my S.E.X. Here I go again: Test voltages on the C4S board are as follows: OA - 60.4 VDC, and OB - 73.5 VDC. Not great but not bad. Plugged all back up, expecting greatness, and it sounded horrible at least the A-Side sounded horrible, B-Side was find.The A-side faded away. Back on the bench, new Volts test shows OA- 2.593 VDC and OB- 74.0 VDC. All 4 LEDs light up. While installing the C4S board the side of my iron touched the 1uf 400 volt capacitor and melted a small hold in the side of it (about 1/4" thought the black insulation only). Could that be my Problem? I will send a Picture as soon as I can figure it out. The challenge of a 75 year older. DLE