Thanks Grainger,
Yes the resistance measurement all did with tubes in, as manual instruction. AHHH... you really inspired me, I have not checked without tubes in, just scratched my head and tried to find something wrong !!!
It is OK now, I decided to do voltage check anyway, kind of scary when the power on, because I did not know if this is safe, and prepared jump away if something wrong.
Turns out everything is good, tubes glowed up properly, went through all voltages are read good and close to list. The heater voltage is a little lower, A7/B7 and A8/B8 list is -3.15v and +3.15v, But I only get - & +3.025v. I think it's my place the main power only 155~116AC, not 120AC.
I'm listening SEX now, with Seduction, connect to JBL4425 speakers, very very VERY HAPPY ! quiet, clean, soundstage is wide, and, It just first operated within 1 hour... WOW
By the way, Congrats the " Grainger's Corner ", I have not go to read them yet, I will.
I'll go to play next record now...
Thanks again,