Has anybody used copper foil instead of aluminum tube shields on your Eros, and if so has it been effective?
Here's the problem: I have two very nice NOS GEC cCV 4086 tubes to use in the ef86 positions on the Eros, but these are military, flying-lead tubes that have been pre-mounted to 9 pin bases. Trouble is that these bases are almost as wide as an octal base and thus standard tube shields won't fit.
Of course I don't know if I'll need the shields or not as my system is below grade and close to a concrete wall with earth on the other side, and I've gone to some lengths to get RFI noise sources out of my listening room, including my wireless router, switching power supplies, and have relocated the music computer to a closet in the diagonal opposite corner of the space from where the rack is.
I do plan to build a 2-compartment copper box for the inside of the wood frame, but not sure this will be enough or not -- and no, I don't expect anybody to tell me whether this will help or not as I will just have to try and see. BTW, the box will separate the power supply from the gain circuit.
I've used the copper foil with reasonable success on some octal tubes in the past, but never on a noval, but not sure what implications that has, if any.
Jim Rebman -- recovering audiophile
Equitech balanced power; uRendu, USB processor -> Musette DAC -> 5670 tube buffer -> Finale Audio F138 FFX -> Cain and Cain Abbys near-field).
s.e.x. 2.1 under construction. Want list: Stereomour II
All ICs homemade (speaker and power next)