Want to say thank you to Jim, Ron and Lee for their threads on how they have set up their servers. I like that each of you have taken a separate thread to help keep the rest of us straight on what each you have implemented. Each of you has taken a thoughtful approach to the project and I love that they are all different. Knowing your ears, I bet they are all very nice sounding too.
I've been using an early core duo mini (2006?2007? can't recall) that Apple says is limited to 2GB, not optimal for Amarra. My bud Jon Ver Halen of Lowther America just sent me an awesome upgrade, an early 2009 mini that Apple says will take 4GB. You rock, Jon! Thanks!
Then, I read about EFI firmware update 1.2 which makes this an even cooler event. This is an update for older core duo minis, downloadable from the Apple site, that allows one to install double those amounts of RAM. Amarra recommends a minimum of 3GB, so this is particularly useful to me on the older mini. I have read that while the entire 4GB might not be useable, 3GB of it can definitely be used. Thought this info might be useful to others.Woo hoo! Pretty soon we will have a new server for our headphone listening station!