Unlikely though it doubtless is, let me ask if any Bottleheads are true experts on these machines. I have one that used to work flawlessly but has suddenly become unable even to load a tape. This is a complex process in which the machine grabs the tape out of the cassette and positions it on rollers so it can pass over a spinning head, much like a VHS or Beta VCR. I don't need this machine, and would gladly ship it to anyone who wants it, for the cost of shipping (which might run high--it's quite heavy, and even heavier than stock because of additions I've made).
When working, these machines make extremely good tapes. I've owned Revox Studer B77 and Technics 1500 in my time, and they don't quite come up to the Sony DTC-75ES standard.
Thanks for listening. I'll check the Forum on this, but you can also reach me directly at
[email protected].