My Quickie arrived from a fellow forum member. It was BH built and has the Speco transformers, but currently out of the circuit. I loaded it up with batteries , the stock GE tubes and let 'er rip! Wow!! I am having trouble believing what I am hearing. My main preamp is a PIO & DACt attenuator modified Rogue Audio Magnum 99. Hate to admit it, the Quickie gives it a run for the money. And that is pretty much stock. I have NEVER heard tubes sing like these GE's.
They seem to be fine, just don't touch the unit or it will ring like "Quasimodo on the ropes"! I have the same tube in a 1947 RCA battery/AC powered portable radio and it is not microphonic, but different application. Some Herbies help significantly.
I ordered the PJCCS last week and the Queen got it here yesterday. It is built and ready to go in after a few more days of listening to stock. The PO also included some Mullards and I have 1945 Sylvania's and 50's RCA's on the way from ePay.
I will replace the output caps with PIO's. First in will be NOS Aerovox. (Really wax paper & foil, but that is being picky!)
Cheap fun and super sonics!!! Quickies are fun AND satisfying!!