I'm going to look and see which terminal I should have suggested be connected to T13. (I'll post here to verify whether T12 was right or wrong.)
Looking at your quote in Red, this makes some sense, depending on which diode you connected the Cree after. That is, it should be after the diode that is connected to the positive on the first capacitor in the power supply filter.
Looking at your quote in Green, I'm not sure what was done. If it is connected between the power supply common and the anodes of the two diodes that are connected to the power supply common then that is where it should be inserted.
Cree diodes negate the need to install the RRSF since they have no reverse recovery spike. I'm pretty sure one between the + of the bridge to the first filter capacitor should block all the reverse recovery spikes that the stock filter could pass. So if the red text is correct the bridge is not your source of buzz.
So I tried connecting terminal 12 to the ground leg of the power, very loud hum. Terminal 14 is connected to terminal 13, as suggested in one of the previous posts.
I tried one of the Cree diodes (I have 4), connected after one of the existing diodes (being careful to connect the cathode end correctly). The buzz is a little quieter, but not much. I tried connecting a second Cree to the other diode that is oriented in the same direction, a lot more buzz. Removed it, of course. So I have only one Cree diode installed.
One issue that may be related is a grounding noise when ever I touch the volume. It does have a stepped attenuator. I appreciate all the help so far. I feel that I am getting somewhere, slowly but surely. Just that last bit of buzz....