There are lots of reasons to like the Quickie. The biggest of all for me this summer
is those tiny, low v, low w filaments. Today it was in the mid-90s here in New England - and HUMID! I had been using a decent but sub-Quickie quality 12AU7-based linestage with a 12AX7 phono stage built in, and it would crank out heat more than the sand amp I'm using (a Marsh A200). In my fairly small, no AC living room, I could feel the difference if I were listening while working (I work from home). But using Q, the heat level was noticeably lower. When I turned off Q after several hours of listening to get me through a particularly tough project, the tubes were basically room temp. Nice! And yet I still get fabulous DHT tube sound.
So glad I pulled Q out to re-work her after too long.