Cue Nat King Cole "Roasting in the toaster oven"
After decades of watching Bob Cratchits' kids go apeshit bonkers for these, I gave 'em a try.
And they rock! Just cut an X thru the shell and the underskin on the flat side and 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Just delicious! They have a sweet flavor that goes well with any holiday drink (Tom & Jerry, hot buttered rum, egg nog) Just wonderful!
How I missed these during my first 59 years, I dunno. It's never too late to try something new. If you've never had them either, get a sample at the grocery store next time and give 'em a try. That's what I did and now I've got 2 pounds in a bag. I roast up 9 a day. Makes your house smell wonderful too -
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!