I just purchased a set of Ultrasone Pro 900 headphones, rated at 40ohms. I will need a headphone amp and was thinking of building the Crack model. The page specifies that the amp is better for higher impedance headphones and that the SEX amp would probable work better. I was planning on building the Stereomour and the Crack kits, but I am starting to think that the SEX might work better for me. The stereomour does not have that much higher watt output, so that alone is not reason enough for me to get it. If I build the SEX, I can also make the Foreplay as my input selection. Who knows, maybe I can even make the Paramounts at a later time, and those would most likely be great for my low sensitivity speakers (Soliloquy 5.0, 88db).
My friend has higher sensitivity speakers (90-93db?), so I would like to be able to test the amp I build with his speakers. However, he is moving out of state this May, so I really want to get something built before then. Here is how I see my to be system:
Option 1:
Preamp: current Seduction (may upgrade to Eros later)
Speaker Amp: Stereomour
Headphone Amp: Crack
Total cost: $643+Stereomour (??$900??=$1543 total)
Option 2:
Preamp: current Seduction (may upgrade to Eros later)
Speaker Amp: SEX (may upgrade to Paramounts later)
Headphone Amp: SEX
Input selection: Foreplay with Extended upgrade
Total cost: $1647
If I go with option #2 I have a slightly better upgrade path and the SEX might work better with the headphones I got. Plus, it means I can order the SEX today and get instant satisfaction instead of waiting for the Stereomours. Also, is it possible that the Stereomour would ship around the beginning of May? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Pavel Galchenko
[email protected]