I decided to take my Crack into work today to do some measurements with an Audio Precision SYS2722. I made frequency response and distortion measurements using a given input tube with different output tubes, and also a given output tube with different input tubes. The AP has 3 selectable input resistances of 300, 600, and 100kohm. My input signal level was 1Vrms in all cases and I used the volume control on the amp to adjust the output voltage. The level of all the curves is normalized at 1 KHz. The graphs were all created in Excel using data I exported from the Audio Precision. I didn't do any extensive tube warm-up -- I only waited for the output level to stabilize before making measurements.
The various input tubes I tested were:
- Sylvania Gold Brand GB5687
- CBS-Hytron 5814 black plate with angled getter
- RCA cleartop 12AU7
- Sylvania 12BH7
- Tungsram E80CC
I switched the bias resistor for each input tube to give the proper bias for the output tube.
The output tubes I tested were:
- Bendix/Chatham 6080WB graphite plate
- Tungsol 5998
- Sylvania Gold Brand GB6080
- Mullard CV2984
- GE 6080
The following 2 graphs show a 5814 with various output tubes. Output level is 1Vrms into 300 ohms. The frequency response barely changes with output tube. At 20 KHz the output varies by only ~0.1 dB.
The following is distortion of the 5814 with various output tubes. The 5998 has the lowest distortion while the Bendix/Chatham 6080WB graphite plate is the highest. I suspect the little wiggles are a measurement artifact.
This is the 6080WB frequency response with various input tubes:
This is the 6080WB distortion with various input tubes:
The following 2 are of a 5814 + 5998 at various loads. This shows that the lower frequency response is a function of the 100uF AC coupling cap.
This is frequency response of the 5687 + 6080WB at various output levels:
And distortion at various output levels:
And finally an FFT of the 5814 + 6080WB. Distortion is primarily second order. It looks like my power supply would benefit from some additional filtering as the main and 1st harmonic are relatively high level.
I've learned that my favorite musical tube combos have higher distortion than many other tubes. I'm happy to see such little variance in frequency response vs tube selection. I'm surprised to see distortion to be directly proportional to output level.