Here's a quick calculation:
A pair of full-size NiMH D cells is about $35, and the 2-amp or greater "pro" charger mentioned above is around $110, total $145. Alkaline D cells cost about $1 each, in 12-packs at Costco for example. So that's about a gross of alkaline cells for the cost of one set of rechargeable cells. That's 72 replacement sets, at 200 hours life, i.e. 14,400 hours. If you use your quickie for more than 14,400 hours then the NiMH will pay off. That's not quite two years continuous operation; 5 years at 8 hours per day, every day.
9v NiMH are $15 each, with a $35 charger the total is $95 for a set of 4. 9v alkalines are $14 for 8, so you can get not quite 14 replacements - the break-even point is 2700 hours, 1/5 of the D-cell break even point.