UPDATE: All voltage checks pass now. I tightened the living s**t out of the transformer screws and added just a drop of solder between the grounding tab and star washer and everything checks out now. I was incorrect in my earlier post, I had said 2 and 4 and meant 1 and 5. Regardless, all voltage checks pass now.
I have 85, 176, 0, 176, 85, 0, 115, 0, 115, 0
There is still mild (not loud, not soft) buzz in both channels that stays the same regardless of volume. When I pull out the 12AU7 tube and turn the amp on the buzz goes away pretty much completely.
Does this mean it's the 12AU7 tube? When I received the tube, one of the pins right next to the gap was bent a little (can't remember if it was 1 or 9) so I moved it back into place.
I am going to pick up some 96-99% pass 12AU7 tubes from a guy here in a couple hours to check, just wanted to see what people think before spending the money. I know they are cheap but I'm a tightwad haha, hence the reason I built the Crack!