:)Thanks for the e-mail reply. I tried using compatibility mode and although My Stock V2 software ran in Windows 7 I could not get it to load up my valve database. Any attempt to open or try and import an existing database doesn't work. You can navigate to the folder where the files are situated but My Stock seems to be blind to the contents, so you cannot select the .DBF file belonging to your database. I think the problem is something to do with Windows 7 User Access Control.
I finally found a workaround which allows you to use your database file. I installed the My Stock V2 program to the root of my 'C' drive, i.e. outside the Program Files folder. The I edited the MyStock2.ini file inside the Glassware/TCJ My Stock DB V2/ folder to reflect the location where my database is situated. You need to change the line that says 'Last Used' to point to where your .DBF file is. In my case it shows 'Last Used=E:\Databases\My Valves.dbf'
The software now works in Windows 7 allowing me to look up my collection and add new entries. So far I have not tried creating a new database from scratch so I do not know if My Stock V2 would have any problems. I found that the only compatibility setting that needed applying to the MyStock2.exe file was 'Disable desktop composition'.