I received some metal can 2N2222A transistors and replaced the defective one. All voltages now within reason and output to coupling cap adjusted to 145V. I tested the Mainline with all stock parts which sounded better than expected.
I replaced each 10uf Dayton coupling cap with two 3.9up Mundorf silver/oil bypassed with a 0.1uf TFTF V-Cap for a total of 7.9uf on each side. I doubt that I can hear the difference between a low frequency cutoff of -3db at 5Hz versus 4Hz. I also read that trying caps larger than 10Hz made no audible difference. Besides, these were caps I had lying around from earlier projects and they filled all the allowable space. No shortage of bass!
I also replaced the 270 ohm resistor in the PS with a 270 ohm 5H choke because it's part of my religion to do that with power supplies for tube amps. Didn't do a before and after test, but for $15 it can't do any harm.
After 30-40 hours of break-in with music - wow! Very musical, detailed, dynamic, tight and flowing. Best instrument separation and soundstage placement I have ever heard from headphones. No temptation to screw anymore with internal parts. There are better headphone cables, power cords, and interconnects to try.