Well I guess I dragged my feet too long. I've been wanting a passive-pre for my Paramour II 45's for a while now. I like to keep the audio path as simple as possible. I recently came across some discretionary funding and was ready to jump on a submissive. Only to find out that it has been discontinued.
I've heard good things about khozmo.com's products in the past. Their pricing also fits well within my budget. If I decided to go this route what would be a good impedance match for me? I mainly use a Bottlehead DAC during my listening sessions so a solid 2v at the input will be available.
10k, 20k, 50k, 100k and 200k seem to be the options.
Since most bottlehead kits employ a 100k potentiometer is it safe to assume that a 100k passive-pre will provide acceptable performance? Or should I take my que from the Submissive specs, "20K ohms at the lowest end of the range to to 40K ohms at the highest end." for something more acceptable?