Another happy Quickie owner/builder.

Mike F1 · 15858

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Offline Mike F1

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on: October 29, 2009, 09:00:11 PM
I normally enjoy building my amps from scratch. Researching, ordering/finding parts for them.

I wanted to try something that my 9 year old son could actually read and follow along with so I took the plunge and purchased the Quickie.
My son was really excited when it showed up. He read the manual right away (which he found a bit, it's no comic book!!!)

The first thing we did was make the wood case for it. After that was all stained we went to work on building the Quickie.
Two easy evenings and it was done.
He did most of the work (90%) of it with me looking over his shoulder the entire time.
I only did a couple tricky solder joints and the voltage checks. (he did the resitance checks)

It fired up right away perfectly with no trouble shooting what's so ever.

After it was all said and done, he said "Well, that was easy!"

He listens to it daily, loves it. Want's to move it to his room once we build him his own power amp.



Offline Mike F1

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Reply #1 on: October 29, 2009, 09:01:49 PM
Two more pics.