Not sure if my thread subject is worded properly. Here's my situation: I'm using the Kaiju to drive full range drivers that have a piercing peak at 6.5K Hz. I built a LCR notch filter that shunts the peak frequencies to ground (it's wired across the FR driver's terminals). The Re of the driver is 6.5 ohms, and I've been experimenting with different values of the resistor in the LCR notch filter. I started at an 8 ohm resistor and wanted more attenuation, so I tried an 5 ohm resistor. Better, but can I go even lower? Is there a point where the resistance gets too low for the Kaiju and will make it unstable? I guess I'm wondering if the resistance gets low enough, will the Kaiju think there's a short circuit?
I'm a hobbyist, not an EE, and I confess that I know enough to calculate the LCR notch filter (and to build it) but not enough to fully understand its implications for the amplifier that drives it.
So I thought I'd turn to the experts before I go any further.