I received a used output tube recently with claims of being good from a TV-7 tester. None the less, I always check used tubes for continuity/shorts on the pins with a dmm before powering up in my crack w/sb.(I realize this is not an infallible test, but it is what I have at my disposal) All good. Listened for a few hours with no problems... sounds great. Sent said tube off with others to have professionally tested. My tube in question comes back labeled "shorted". Being curious, I rechecked with my dmm and still no shorts found.
I have plenty of other power tubes to use, it's not a matter of plugging it back in. My questions are, what may have happened if it had shorted while in use?(blown fuse, cap, resistor, transformer, driver tube... or worse?) Should I abandon this simple dmm test if it proves unreliable? Do I have a tube that has a mysterious intermittent occurring short considering I logged 6 hours of drive time on it before having it tested? Scratching my head on this one.
Please and thank you.