This is my first big electrical project, so please bear with me. I'm from a mechanical engineering background, so this whizz bang electrical stuff was all mystical to me. This was my first foray to broaden my knowledge.
I'm getting incorrect voltages. Though this is intermittent. 1 side of the 12A7 lights up intermittently (with the corresponding LED), though mostly it stays off.
This is frustrating, as I'll turn it on, it'll not light up. So I'll flip it over to troubleshoot, turn it on again, and magically the LED lights up... Then without touching anything, goes out again.
I've poked around with a wooden chopstick as suggested and to no avail.
The voltages are spot on when the LED lights up. So I suspect it's still a dodgy solder joint?
Here are the voltages when the LED isn't lit. I'm hoping to isolate which joints to look at based on these? as I'm guessing 1 channel isn't correctly wired?
1. 148
2. 164
3. 0
4. 164
5. 77
6. 0
7. 147
8. 0
9. 100
10. 0
I'm on 240V AC if that makes any difference.