The maximum DC voltage, across the first 220 uF cap, should be around 210VDC, and the 6080 plate voltage should be around 170VDC. IIRC the power trannie's HV secondary voltage is approx 160VAC.
If there was actually 2.5V across the HLMP6000s, they would immediately become SEDs (Smoke Emitting Diodes) ;-)
Presuming that you have assembled/wired it correctly, I'd suspect that your meter might have a problem. My vintage Fluke 87 DVM is dead-nuts-on for DC voltage and current, and resistance readings, but sometimes it reads about 10% low on RMS AC voltage measurements, this is an intermittent situation, and I haven't yet tried to figure out the cause of this problem. (I suspect that the rotary mode selector switch might have a dirty contact or minor corrosion)
/ed B in NC