I finished the build on my Crack two days ago. All resistance checks and voltage checks were good, so I started listening to some amazing music. Really spectacular! Last night, the volume drained out while I was listening, and when I checked the unit, I found that the 6080 was no longer glowing. The 12au7 was still glowing. I turned it off and, after letting it cool, reseated the 6080. it worked for the rest of my listening for the night.
Today, about 1 1/2 hours into listening, I got the same draining volume and found the same situation as last night: The 6080 no longer glowing and the 12au7 still glowing. I turned off the unit and reseated the 6080 but now it won't glow.
I rechecked the resistances and they were good.
I rechecked the voltages, and they were good, except terminals 2, 4, and 13 are all showing 231V rather than the 170 they showed after the build.
Since the 6080 isn't warming up, I'm thinking the voltage test may no longer be valid but I don't have enough experience to understand the change. I tested the resistance between b7 and b8 and it was 0.
Thoughts on where to go from here?