I purchased a quickie kit some time ago, and started working on it right away. As usual, other projects took priority, and the Quickie was abandoned until last night, when I finished it. I took it over to a friend's place whom I recently introduce to the Bottlehead family, and he, with another newcomer had purchased, and built Quickies very recently. Well! After listening to my friends quickie for a few weeks, I did not expect to hear what I heard from mine. The sound was huge, and I jumped a few times when Hearing the dynamics from this little guy. My friend's quickie did not sound like that when he first turned his on. This was a great experience. Thank you Bottlehead, for a great unit. The build experience was terrific. I did run into a couple of problems though. The first was my fault, The second had a problem with one tube not going all the way into its socket. There were two pin holes that were somehow partialy blocked. I think it was an alignment thing, and I cracked the top of one socket while trying to solve the problem. They are clear now, However, I will be purchasing another kit soon, and will arrange to purchase another socket at that time. Right now things are sounding great. I will post pictures later.