First, to address what you mention in your post:
What kind of solder are you using. I don't like the looks of most of your solder joints. They are dull.
For instance, in the last picture the left LED, left lead, the solder joint at the tube pin has a lot of brown on it. The tube pin to the right of this one shows the wire black and tube pin looks rusted. There doesn't seem to be much solder on the joint mentioned in the last sentence.
Of course there are a number of places a newbie can have problems. The diodes must be oriented properly (white banded side is the key), including the LEDs (silver banded side is the key, and the two on the 12AU7 are right). The capacitors must be oriented properly, the white striped side is the key here to.
Next, the place to start is any voltage that is 15% out of spec, plus or minus. Post the terminal or tube pin number, the expected voltage and your voltage.