Been trying a Paramour with my Quads. The mids and highs are heavenly. And the bass is good but boomy. From a post by PJ that boominess is to be expected:
"The problem with no-feedback triode amps is that they do not have a high damping factor. For the ESL-57, that has two effects - the bass will be boosted in the region of the resonance which appears to be around 80-100Hz, and the treble will be depressed at high frequencies. This applies to both push-pull and single ended".
The same post provides the solution:
"A practical solution would be a modest amount of feedback, let's say less than 6dB. Not of course widely available outside of custom designs."
And Seductor comes to the rescue: "with SEDCTR technology, we can make them sound a lot like SET amps. We can also obtain a lower output impedance and higher damping factor than is possible with no-feedback SET designs. This means the amps can successfully drive a wider variety of speakers, since almost all speakers are designed for high-damping amplifiers."
Two questions:
1. Are there Magnequest products that could be used as upgrades in Seductor plate chokes and output transformers (I'm assuming it's parafeed)?
2. Are there any sonic penalties from strapping to 8 watts?
ps. I have a set of refurbished quads on order so I'm serious