Bought it, built it, liking it. I did consult the forum once as one pair of transistors did not match the instruction manual's description thus the part orientation described in the manual was not possible, but 1- the forum addressed that one part, and 2- the orientation was, at least to me, intuitive. All initial voltage checks were good.
No build issues- the instructions are easy but I always find Teflon wire to be harder to strip with my fancy auto sizing auto grabbing wire stripper. Just used razor blade on this build to strip the wire after a few failed attempts with my gizmo. I also had to redo a few wires as after soldering seems they broke off.
I did deviate slightly from the manual- I found it easier to insert the 4 wires into the main Speedball board with the board not secured to the standoffs. Once in, I screwed the board down, then soldered. I also raised the main board ever so slightly using one rubber washer on each stand off. I also found I needed to use a longer #4 machine screw at the octal position in order to engage the standoff. The 2 washers and the one screw costs a whopping 69 cents from a local hardware store. A desolating vacuum would have been very nice but the desoldering braid also worked.
The only thing I did find annoying is that things are on a smaller scale withe the Speedball boards compared to the Crack build and these 54 year old eyes don't see small things as well as they used to. When I was into coin collecting (teenager) I didn't need a magnifier to see mint marks clearly. Heck, I had no problem seeing VDB on pennies. So what I found annoying is that my eyes aint 18 any more. Oy.
Crack/Speedball, SEX 2.1/C4S, Bryston BHA-1
Sennheiser HD600/Cardas cable, Beyerdynamic T1 2nd Gen, Hifimam HE560/Hifiman balanced cable