I am currently running a Stereomour, I love it's sound. My previous speakers were 97dB efficient, my new speakers are a little less efficient at 94dB. The amp is high passed at about 175Hz, the speakers are an 8 ohm load and easy to drive (dual 12" servo woofers per side cover to 200Hz, have their own amp). The DAC that is feeding the Tortuga LDR has these specs:
450mW, 2.65vrms (Geek Out 450)
â—¾Output impedance: 0.47 ohms (headphones) and 4.7 ohms (line out)
My issue is that on a small portion of music the level is maxed out with the Tortuga LDR volume control pegged. It still sounds great but I don't believe I am getting everything these speakers offer. They sound great on 90% of my music at levels I typically listen at, but every once in a while they need a bit more.
I have tried a small digital amp (Yuang Jing Blue Black board?) that puts out about 15 watts, it sounded brittle compared to the 2A3 although the additional power offered what is needed. Ideally there would be a way to get more volume out of my current amp.
With most of my music I get sufficient volume and more, my question is this; since I can play much of my music with plenty of volume does this point to a gain issue because I have some music that doesn't play at sufficient volume? Does it make sense to put a pre-amp in front of the Stereomour to get more gain or would this be redundant, would it lead to more noise?
I typically believe that less is more in audio, so if I had an option that allowed the Stereomour to drive the speakers with sufficient volume that would be my first choice. However if adding a pre-amp is what is needed I will do that to keep the Stereomour in the chain.
Recommendations are appreciated.