Hi-Fi newbie trying to understand things here...
I own a pair of HD650 and I´m thinking of buying a Crack + Speedball. From what I have heard this is a awesome combo so I have no worries that it will sound great. However, I recently read about the 1/8 (Headphones work best when the output impedance is less than 1/8th the headphone impedance) and can't for the life of me understand what this is all about???
Since the HD650 has an impedance of 300ohms according to the 1/8 rule the output impedance of the amp should be less than 300/8 = 37,5ohms. And the Crack has an output impedance of 120ohms (...which is a lot more than 37.5ohms).
I´m sure this is a face palm some where around here but I need some clarification =)