I had started getting an intemittant low freq buzz in the right channel, which would go off as soon as a gave a light thump on the top plate or played with the balance button. after a week or so, the channel went on a continuous very loud buzz, from startup and every time. My beepre's been a charmer for almost two years, so I'm miffed. after the obvious cable and tube swapping, socket tightnening, i went and reflowed everything in sight on the troubled channel. Resistance check is ok, voltage a bit low:
10&15 are 178v vs of the given 186
22&25&40&43&46 are 205 vs of 213
31&34 are 12.8 vs 13.6
35&36 are 6.3 vs 6.8
but the low voltages are consistant on both channels, and only one is contaminated.
any ideas, because after two afternoon of resoldering I'm p.. off and thinking of sending the darn thing all the way around the globe for some TLC, and live withour music for long weeks.
thanks guys and gals.