Thanks, Paul, for this detailed spelling-out of your earlier "swamping" comment. The only resistor upgrade that has ever impressed me, in a tube component, is in the 47K ohms input load resistors, where I've heard (as have others I've urged to make this change) how much TX2352 Vishays help. Their quality is easily tested in a passive preamp, where there's little else in the circuit, and I've done a lot of testing there. But capacitors are huge, in my experience. I sold the first Seduction I built, and took out some "boutique" .47 uF output caps and put the stock caps back in--and found that I couldn't stand to listen to it that way. I advised the buyer to go for something better--Obbligato Gold Premiums, as I recall--and he was impressed by the improvement. I'm aware that Bottlehead stock components are carefully chosen, and are often as good as or better than the "upgrades" someone might replace them by--for example, Causasian Blackplate regards the Panasonic 220 uF power supply caps in the Seduction as better than the JJ Tesla ones I got to go there, and I believe him, and the JJ's are sitting idle in a drawer, probably never to be used.