"Ok. So A2 to hum pot is 288v and hum pot to ground is 55v"
A2 to hum pot is the plate to cathode voltage. A2 to ground must be 343v, i.e. the plate to hum pot plus hum pot to ground. The EML specification is for a maximum plate to cathode voltage of 300v, so 288v is within spec.
http://www.emissionlabs.com/datasheets/EML45.htmOld-stock 45s did not explicitly specify a maximum voltage, but the published operating points don't exceed 275v, so I regard that as the maximum - thus an old-stock RCA (for example) would exceed the spec, but only by a tiny amount, well within the usual 10% tolerance.
I am assuming you have followed the manual for the conversion, and also the correction for plate choke wires (blue to A2 and C2, black taped off, and red to high voltage.)