Hey everyone,
So I'm finishing up my resistance checks. Everything is sound, except for terminals 6 and 10. The manual that I got for Crack 1.1 (September 20, 2016) says I should be getting readings of 0 ohms. I am getting a slow and consistent 2.4/2.5 fluctuation, which sounds more reasonable to me considering these terminals are connected to 2.49k ohm resistors via connections from their bottom openings to the headphone jack.
Is this a typo from this manual, or are T6 and T10 supposed to read 0?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 06:56:18 AM by Caucasian Blackplate »
Dylan Neves
-DT770 80 ohm (occasional hip-hop can)
-HD650 (my daily driver)
-Bottlehead Crack (Speedball 1.1: only the big board) [daily driver]; Schiit Modi 2 Uber
-Fiio E10K (amp/dac for dt770, current choice for solid state)