I am not sure if this is helpful but the two pins that connect to the LEDs buzz when I poke them with a chopstick. No matter how many times I reflow their joints or adjust their positions in the socket, I can't seem to get them to stay quite when I poke them.
Another observation that might help you help me diagnose this problem is when I turn the potentiometer all the way down and slowly turn it up the right channel rises first, which I understand is normal at very low volumes, but it seems like the differential never evens out as I continue to turn it up.
And the last observation is the right (louder) channel seems to possess a broader spectrum of sound and color. When I turn the headphones around on my head, wearing the right channel on my left ear and vice versa, it seems as though it's not just volume but sonic depth, if that makes sense, that is unbalanced beyond just amplitude.
This is, hopefully, the final frontier of crack issues I need to resolve. Looking forward to your response!